Brexit and EU not-for-profits; an overview

Many questions have arisen about the possible consequences of a Brexit for the not-for-profit (NGOs, CSOs, Trade Unions, Educational Establishments) sector. Although it is way too early to provide answers, the questions we have heard so far give an indication of the most important issues at stake.

Obviously, the consequences of a Brexit will be most acutely felt in the UK’s not-for-profit sector itself,whether the organisations concerned work domestically or overseas. The consequences on the Continent, and in Brussels in particular, will be much less significant we think, although in no way negligible. We have heard from quite a few not-for-profits that, even before any official change has taken place, the referendum result is already affecting implementation of their current work plans, strategic planning & budgeting for the coming years, and the risk assessment and mitigation that are necessarily part of these.

Read here our full overview report

Organisation Development Support is a full-service consultancy working with European and international non-profit organisations to achieve greater societal impact.

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